Dare to Make Your Life Magnificent With Joseph McClendon III

Tune in to Just Black Talking and learn about the power we all have inside of us to change our lives, with Joseph McClendon III, Doctor of Neuropsychology, motivational speaker, leadership and ultimate performance expert, and world-class coach.
Swimming Coach Marvin A. Thorpe II

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Oysters Rockefeller Your Way

Oysters, I love them pretty much any way I can get them and you should too. Still, there are many among us that are not interested, particularly in eating raw oysters. People site health risks or fears of getting sick. The CDC reports approximately 35 deaths related to contaminated oysters per year. Such an occurrence […]
When’s The Last Time You Heard A Funky Dialectic?

Just Black Talking welcomes guests Mervin Bourne and Allan Boomer to discuss entertainment icon Ice Cube’s pre-election collaboration with the Trump administration. Over the summer, Ice Cube presented “A Contract With Black America” and ultimately engaged in a meeting with Trump administration (he met with Jared Kushner) in the final weeks before the 2020 election. […]
Negus Beer Fit For A King

NEGUS (n). is a term that originated from Amharic, the Ethio-Semitic language which currently serves as the working language of Ethiopia, and the second most-commonly spoken Semitic language in the world, after Arabic. From the Amharic n’gus “King” and derived from the Eritrean and northern Ethiopia Semitic root ngś, meaning “to reign”, the word was […]
Canelé de Bordeaux!

Click here to listen to Just Black Talking Podcast! It’s been over 2 months now and as Americans, we still can’t travel out of the country! Technically we can but there’s the quarantine in most places and I don’t know about you, but I don’t have that kind of vacation time from work to […]